Psychology Services

Your family is where you belong to. Strained relationships within a family affects the very foundation of the family. Lack of communication, lack of empathetic listening are often seen as the root causes of issues among family members. Discussion with the right mentor at the right time will certainly help you bring back the relationships to normality.
At COODE, we always help you dig deeper into the root causes of a problem and help you find lasting solutions. We can help the family recognize their issues, build on strength, and develop alternatives. Focus in needed changes in family relationships, conflict, health issues, substance addiction, trauma and others.

Adolescence is a very crucial period for physical, emotional, mental and social wellbeing and development. Emotional highs and lows may persist and these new behaviours can go beyond boundaries and start causing strain in parent- teen relationships, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. Counselling helps them make sense of their feelings, behaviours, and thoughts. This can entail traditional talking therapy, or can use other techniques which draw on the expressive nature of young people.
At COODE,we always help you dig deeper into the root causes of a problem and help you find lasting solutions. Each individual is unique and the emotional and mental state of each is quite unique. We plan our interventions only after assessing such unique natures of the adolescents. Such interventions often help these young people bring back to a cheerful disposition.

Our students are often burdened with a lot. They have a lot to study, a lot of expectations to fulfil. A lot to compete and a lot to attain. Some of them often find it hard to cope up with. Some of them even brake down on the way. Some of them may even find it hard tofind a place in the entire system. Such concerns may affect their studies, career and life in a very bad manner.
Its critical to identify and address such concerns on time. A help at the right time can help them change the entire perspective of life and studies. Bring back the focus and cut the clutter.
At COODE, we help students and their parents to identify the root cause and help them find lasting solutions. We help them improve on their studies and social skills to be better by removing the obstructive dilemmas.

Graphology is a scientifically proven observational method to analyse the personality traits in general and the psychological state of the writer at the time of writing. Our handwriting indicates a lot about our personality and psychological well being.
At COODE, we use graphology to derive indications of personality traits and use them effectively in counselling and coaching requirements.

Dream Analysis or Dream Interpretations is a psycho analysis tool used to analyse the content of the dream to identify the motivations of the dreamer.
At COODE we use dream analysis as a tool in counseling and coaching to interpret the complex psychological conditions.

Stress is good only when it remains within the limits. Acute Stress helps us to remain focused, active and motivated. The moment stress becomes chronic, it begins to cause trouble to our physical and mental well being. Each moment in our life is potential enough to create stress in our life. The way we perceive and respond to a situation plays a major role in creation of stress in life. Chronic stress should be addressed without any delay.
At COODE, we focus on identifying the root cause of stress and use scientifically proven methods to help the person get relieved from the stressful condition.

Psychological crisis is usually referred to as a perception or experience of an event or situation as an intolerable difficulty that exceeds the person’s current resources and coping mechanisms. In general, a crisis is not just caused by an event but also by a personal reaction to the event. Crisis may not always be sudden and unexpected. It could be existential, developmental or situational. Crisis could also be expected and unexpected.Such crisis in life, if not addressed on time will lead to changes in behaviour and mood.
At COODE, we realise a crisis situation, carefully analyse all the aspects of the crisis including its cause, reaction and effect in one's life and suggest changes to overcome.

Children of any age toddlers and preschoolers to teens and adolescents are vulnerable to suffer from mental, social or emotional, or psychological distress and/or trauma. As in the case of adults they are also subjected to get affected by situations and its reactions. Its critical to address such obstructive dilemmas on time. When a child’s social and emotional issues and psychological distress are left untreated, it can negatively impact his/her educational aspirations and developmental milestones.
At COODE, we help children better interpret the issues they are experiencing and/or the trauma that occurred – in a way they can process and understand. We can provide both the parents and the child with the tools needed to deal with issues and any mental health condition in a healthy and productive way. We would also make sure that both the parents and child navigate uncomfortable, scary, anxiety-provoking, and challenging times with less stress and turmoil.

Effective counselling is an integral part of the De- Addiction process from any substance abuse and addiction. Addictions usually start as an innocuous habit out of curiosity and love for hi-life habits often ends up in a debilitating behavior that destroys lives and families altogether. Addictions cause irreparable damage to body and mind destroying the social and family life of the addict. The most common alcohol addiction to substance abuse, all such addictions are equally harmful.
At COODE, we address the various sides and causes of drug addiction in detail. We work on developing plans that focus on long-term recovering while keeping caregivers an essential part of the treatment.

Marriage is the union of two individuals of two different identities. Sharing a space requires intimacy, love, compassion and empathy. People in successful marriages try their best to accommodate each other and respect the differences. But some marriages do not enjoy that luxury. If the focus is more on differences than on finding common grounds to go together, relationships get stretched. Most of such issues in marriage could be resolved with the help of a counselor. A different perspective or insight will always help resolving such interpersonal issues. There is a success rate of about 65-70% success rate in marriage counselling in keeping the family together.
At COODE, our counselors get to the root of the differences between the couples and help them identify common areas they can work on to improve their relationship.

Premarital counselling is a therapy which helps to prepare the couples mentally for marriage. The counselling helps to make sure that you and your spouse can have a strong and healthy relationship throughout your life. Premarital counselling helps to improve a couple's relationship before marriage. Premarital counselling helps to set expectations, remove unrealistic expectations from each other after marriage. This helps couples to enter the new phase of their life with confidence.
At COODE, we talk to each individual entering into marriage in detail and understand their perceptions, conceptions and misconceptions about marriage. We help them enter their married life with confidence, love and empathy towards their partner to lead a successful, fruitful married life.