Career Services

Career is a lifetime affair. When should one start considering their career choices? Ideally, as experts and researchers suggest, we can authentically trace the early signs aptitude and interest of an individual at an age of 13 to 14. Such early indications help to explore more and to choose courses accordingly. The senior secondary period of one's education is definitely a defining stage in shaping the higher studies option and career choices of a student. What stream-science, commerce, humanities, would be suitable for me would start brewing in the minds of students and parents from grade 8 itself. Traditionally, such decisions are either taken by parents unless the marks scored is very less leaving no choice but to choose the not so popular courses. This decision should be taken after an active careful consideration of one's aptitude, interest & personality.
Psychometric tests and profiling throw light into the aptitude and interest of a student. Further discussions with career experts helps a lot to shape the career and education pathway ahead and start the career journey in a systematic manner.
AT COODE, our psychometric tests consider and capture your interest, aptitude and personality and analyse the same in a most scientific manner before giving you detailed reports on your career options and higher studies option. Our reports form a fundamental block and firm indication to explore further with the help of our career coaches.

Grade 10 is a defining stage in a student's life and career. All are bound to take a solid decision in grade 10 on the choice of higher study stream resulting in choosing a wide career path. such decisions are either taken by parents unless the marks scored is very less leaving no choice but to choose the not so popular courses. Parents can of course help but we often find that decisions are often biased, considering social status and perceived social acceptance of the job. This decision should be taken after an active careful consideration of one's aptitude, interest & personality.
AT COODE, our psychometric tests consider and capture your interest, aptitude and personality and analyse the same in a most scientific manner before giving you detailed reports on your career options and higher studies option. Our reports form a fundamental block and firm indication to explore further with the help of our career coaches.

Students of grade 11 & 12 have already made a decision in grade 10 regarding their career and stream of higher education. Some might have taken it out of parental advice, peer pressure or just based on the marks scored. Grade 11 & 12 might prove to be a revelation in terms of the accuracy and appropriateness of such a decision as they experience the subjects they chose. For others, they will have to get deeper insights into the streams and careers selected.
Psychometric tests in grade 11 & 12 helps a lot in taking corrective measures or to ascertain the choices made. Higher Education after higher secondary is going to be more defining with regard to the career.
AT COODE, our psychometric tests consider and capture your interest, aptitude and personality and analyse the same in a most scientific manner before giving you detailed reports on your career options and higher studies option. Our reports form a fundamental block and firm indication to explore further with the help of our career coaches.

The world around us is changing so is the nature of our jobs. We no longer use the tools we used 10 years ago for getting any job done. This constant evolution brings about careers and jobs never heard of before. This makes taking career decisions after graduation tricky and risky. Assessing the options available, choosing a path best suited and committing oneself to the chosen path is critical for a rewarding career.
At COODE, we help graduating students and freshers in engineering , medical , management, humanities and other courses to make the right career decisions, be it in selecting courses or fields of specialization for further studies/post graduation or selecting the right role to start their professional lives in the industry

Working Professionals often find themselves in dilemmas as they take each important step in their career. Some of us may find that the current job is not fulfilling the aspirations and career dreams. Some would reach crossroads in their career and find it hard to choose the way by weighing what they want and what they get.
Career Crossroads is suitable for working professionals looking to fast track in their existing careers or looking for inspiration for alternatives that could be more fulfilling. The assessment also helps in deciding on reskilling and up-skilling decisions as well.It profiles an individual on the basis of the self-assessment of Interests, Work styles, Abilities, Work Values, Knowledge, Skill and Work Context.
Individuals will be provided with recommendations on suitable job families and specific occupations & roles, which will provide an understanding of their fitment across different careers pathways. The report also provides information on education and skills required to pursue the desired career pathways or make transition decisions.