About Us


COODE means ‘WITH YOU’’ in Malayalam. COODE is your companion in life when you feel that you or your loved ones need support to cut the clutter in life and realise the direction and road to travel. COODE helps you realise your dreams by helping you identify it, nurture it, figure out the journey to realise it, mentor you through the journey to make sure that you do not lose the sight of your dream in the journey.

The word COODE expands to ‘Catharsis Our Obstructive Dilemmas to EXCEL’. All of us have faced and continue to face situations in life created by our dilemmas which obstruct our view of the path ahead. Experiences prove that such dilemmas may end up as great disasters in life, if not addressed and cleared on time. Such dilemmas create illusions and take us away from reality. At COODE, our mission is to remove such obstructions and bring about clarity in thoughts and deeds.

We are a team of psychology, career, education and management experts with a passion and commitment to give back to society by extending our helping hands to those who are stuck at some point of life. There is always a way ahead for everyone under any situation. You may not always find that out when the mind is cluttered. You might need the help of someone who has already walked the path or have been through such situations. We have learned the lessons in a hard way and are willing to share that with you so that our mistakes are not repeated. Our experience has also helped us gain insights from others' mistakes and successes. Our mission is not to show you popular paths but to help you realise your path and help you to set out your journey.

COODE is all about helping you realise yourself and EXCEL in what you do with your life.We have only one vested interest in helping you with your life and career, that is you.